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More tire puncture and aging-related

Puncture in a variety of road accident ratio is really high, the aging of the tire must be checked and replaced.

The main material is rubber-based tires, and rubber products have a certain life, according to the official statement of the tire manufacturers, tire life under normal circumstances should the vehicle in two years or ten thousand kilometers of the 6-8 range. Of course, in actual use, follow the provisions of our car costs may be too high. So, in general, it is recommended, if you usually do not use frequently, and the car environment is not bad, the general tire normal four years is not a problem, but remember that the tires used up to four years, it must be replaced. But Chinese consumers are accustomed to using a tire to "grind" in order to give up, do not form the habit of regular quantitative replacement tires in urgent need of improvement.

Therefore, in order to avoid accidents caused by tire aging, it is recommended the owner of the car tire or need to ground inspection and the date of manufacture of the tire to be clear, so that my heart there at the end. For the best tire wear condition, the tire position adjusting is necessary. You can refer to the car manufacturer's manual for guidance about the tire rotation. Proposed 8000-10000 km per tire tune a bit, even with less than 8000 km, if irregular tire wear, it should be adjusted position, at the same time, the wheel alignment should be checked in time, to identify the cause of irregular tire wear.

Tire to ground check, remind especially the owners of long-term lane road is bad, this is essential work, can not be ignored, after all, driving poor road conditions have a serious impact on the life of the tire. When you find a tire gradually harden, crack and other aging happens, they should not hesitate to change a tire, especially those with similar projections bubbles, it means that the structure of the department's level has been broken, can not afford the tire pressure the blistering occur at any time have a puncture.

In addition to tire blowout accident caused by aging, the tire pressure is not correct is a major cause of the puncture. So the owners have to develop their own tire pressure checks good habits, recommended that owners themselves with a simple air gauge, a month for four tire pressure detection intervals, so that their hearts so that owners have a bottom. Finally, I must mention is that for the spare tire and conservation concerns, or can not cope with the emergency situation, only worse.

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