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Winter maintenance of key projects to resolve

At the time wondering whether the end comes, we may wish to investigation and security risks for the car, as compared to the far-fetched speculation, winter maintenance of the safety issues related to the car should be taken seriously. This winter, temperatures in most parts of the country are slightly lower than in previous years, at lower temperatures, how do we maintain the vehicle, which is the most important winter maintenance, here you introduced one by one.

     Oil: It is recommended to replace oil, with the label because of the need

     We all know that oil can be divided according to classification of mineral base oil mineral oil, semi-synthetic, and synthetic oil, face the cold winter, their performance is what is the difference? Compared with the other two oil, the lower the apparent viscosity of the lowest apparent viscosity synthetic oil, the engine more energy to good lubrication, ie, cold start the engine when the vehicle is fully synthetic oil will have more than mineral oil good lubricating properties.

     But if we need to replace it fully synthetic motor oil? While it outstanding performance during the recession, and the winter cold start better lubricating properties, but higher prices are not all owners are willing to bear, as the most economical way, we recommend that you look at the vehicle owner's manual that came with above the recommended oil grade and type of engine is the most consistent with the requirements of a new generation of very care 0W-40 oil flow better, but also the total synthesis of the BMW specified pole protection. Beijing area are interested can try out new technology titanium hydroenhancement oil.

     Reminded to note is that after the rise in winter temperatures can reach their desired viscosity, but because of winter oil too thin oil, after the oil reaches the calibration temperature lubrication oil to be worse than the seasons, so if you only need to note that the temperature after the rise in winter can reach their desired viscosity, but because of the winter too thin oil oil after the oil reaches the calibration temperature lubrication oil to be worse than the seasons, so if you are not taking a trip, do not place too large temperature difference, crude oil label enough to use.

      Speaking of oil, when it comes to lubrication have to mention winter cold start hot car. If you do not reach the operating viscosity, it will bring to the engine, said oil lubrication and wear, and wear the length of time depends on the time the oil reaches the working length of the viscosity, and rapidly reduces engine wear the most effective ways manufacturers have set in the trip computer well, it is appropriate to enhance the value of the cold start idle, more intense cylinder combustion piston rings can rapidly increase the temperature by thermal expansion of the piston ring and cylinder wall spacing is reduced, increasing oil pressure so that the oil can quickly reach the lubricated components, some of the increase in the vehicle grille closed car in winter also can enhance the effect of the warm-up, so we do not have too much entangled in the long winter hot car, idling down to normal you can start the vehicle.

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