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Two aspects of the car is easy to overlook

In order to get a good used car performance in the winter, many owners began the season at the beginning of the maintenance work, but be aware that not all maintenance methods are correct, below give you a brief introduction and maintenance of two errors remind the faithful car maintenance easy to overlook when two ways.

Misunderstanding: Add oil not better

  Add oil is a standard, should be noted that adding too little engine status and journal bearing lubrication bad happens, add too much oil burning engine failure will also occur. Therefore, it is recommended to add the owner at the time, the oil on the dipstick should be controlled, and between the lower groove as well.

  Myth: idle car

  Because now rising oil prices and the high cost of spending a lot of car owners say that is easy to keep the car hard, so now part of the car owners are rarely drove up, the owners need to note that the owners do not idle the car for no reason, because the car engine gearbox and other transmission parts in a state of constant surface due to direct contact with the air and rust.

One. Winter quick car maintenance knowledge of emergency situation

  1. After under the snow, the car body will be like a lot of snow on the road, like fall, saying that if not cleared up, it will seriously affect traffic safety, so do not waste before the first snow on the windshield newspaper outside, then tape to be fixed, so it will not cause the windshield in the morning frost and ice distress.

II. Winter car maintenance knowledge of preventive measures

1. Early winter is the best time maintenance waxing the paint, because the number of washing after the winter will be significantly reduced after wet body waxing is not easy, so the possibility of freezing is reduced.

2. You must replace the oil in winter may cause engine failure.

3. The amount of antifreeze to the right, and the use of more than two years and the use of more than one year of mixed antifreeze must be replaced, said that it is best not to mix antifreeze

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