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What are the different aspects of the performance of forging and casting?
The metal in the solid forging is heated through forging. It requires metal to have a good thermal plasticity (also known as forging sex, the general forgings are steel, it has high strength, good plasticity, suitable for manufacturing high force, high important parts. Such as bolts, shafts, gears, etc..
Casting metal is formed in liquid pouring into the mold. It has good fluidity and filling (also called casting of liquid metal), iron and steel castings in points for steel and iron, two, cast iron with carbon content higher than steel, its strength than steel low, poor plasticity, generally suitable for making bear force is not too large parts, such as machine bed, low pressure valve seat; steel castings with high strength for manufacturing parts with complex shape, such as caterpillar track plate, high pressure valve seat.
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