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How does the car's engine cool?

Automobile cooling system is divided into two types: liquid cooling and air cooling.

1. The liquid cooling system of the liquid cooled liquid cooled vehicle circulates the liquid through the pipes and channels in the engine. As the liquid flows through the high temperature engine, it absorbs heat and lowers the temperature of the engine. The liquid flows through the engine and into the heat exchanger (or radiator). The heat in the liquid is released into the air through the heat exchanger.

Some of the early cars used air-cooling technology, but modern cars seldom used it. The cooling method is not to circulate the liquid in the engine, but to dissipate heat from the cylinder through aluminum plates attached to the cylinder surface. A powerful fan blows air on the aluminum to cool the engine by cooling it down into the air. Because most cars use liquid cooling, there are a lot of pipes in the cooling system of the car.

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